Sunday, October 18, 2009

I am back

I took a very, very long break from this blog. I am trying again to write more often. My goal is to help people, and share the wisdom I have acquired along the way.

Many of my clients have the same issue. It is feeling negativity, focusing on negativity, focusing on what they don't want.

They watch the new, and read the paper. They talk to every person they see about the horrors they learned about. They complain.

One of my clients is a woman we will simply call Joan, which is not her name, she has given me permission to share her story. Joan spent her first session telling me how tired she was, that she tried online dating and was matched up with 'losers', she was mad at her parents for being poor, and favoring her brother. She felt that she was ugly, she hated her job, she was jealous all of her acquaintances and friends.

She was taking a class to better herself, but focused on why it made her life worse. How she never had time for grocery shopping. She was jealous of others that pampered themselves. She pinched pennies. She ate horrible, spent her weekends in bars, was underweight with dark circles under her eyes.

She really hated herself. I knew she wouldn't be open to what I had to say, but I told her how to improve her life. She told me it was bs and left.

The following week she came in for another session, and begin to complain again.

I stopped her. I looked into her eyes and told her she was worth loving, and she started crying.

Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Best Books

What are your favorite books? I am treating myself to a few new ones.

Some of my favorite authors are:

Dr. Wayne Dyer
Catherine Ponder
Joe Vitale

I would love some fresh ideas!

Bright blessings.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I am back! After a almost month long spiritual retreat with my family. We are back, refreshed and renewed.
It is so important to unplug and recharge. For us this meant time away from electronic devices, taking a break from work, and tons of time in nature. How blessed we are to be close to natures abundance.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Understanding the Law of Attraction Part One

We don't attract what we want, we attract what we are.
Greetings & blessings! Don't you love the above statement? It sums up the law of Attraction in one succinct sentence.
If you think of all that wonderful stuff you want to have, do, and be and then go through your day stressed out, angry, sad, or miserable.
What happens next?
We all know the Law of Attraction works, and sometimes it is hard to understand even with all the books & movies out there.
You need to start with you.
You will hear me say this so many times, it is the basis for almost any question. Before you focus on WHAT you want to have, do, be.
Focus on what is inside, how do you feel? What makes you feel good? Make a list. Then wait for part 2 in this series.
Peace and blessings!

Love & Gratitude water

Dr. Emoto studies the effects on water, producing different focused intentions through written and spoken words and music and presenting it to the same water samples, the water appears to "change its expression". When the water is exposed to positive loving affirmations when frozen it produces beautiful crystals. When the water is exposed to negative hateful words has unattractive and dull patterns.

This is such an interesting idea. Think about what thoughts you carry with you, and how much of your body is made up with water. What do you think your water crystals would look like? I know that our thoughts and feeling have a huge impact on our health & our lives in general. The question is that once we have this knowledge, what do we do with it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bath meditation

I did this tonight, and thought it would be good to share this meditation.

I use several while candles and dim the lights or turn them off completely. I keep a CD player safely away from the water and play some relaxing music. I will soon post my recommendations for music.

Fill your bath with warm water, I add some organic lavender sea salts. As you soak in the bath envision the salts pulling out all the toxicity in your body, also envision all the negative moments in your day.

In your mind's eye play them out the way you would have wished they had gone, and then let go of each moment. When you are finished relaxing, start to drain the water and remain in the tub. Feel the pull of the draining water and imagine that it is pulling out more toxins and negative energy.

Look at the candles and think of what you would like to manifest in your life, and blow each one out. Picture the smoke rising and carrying the wish to Spirit.

After the bath I find it beneficial to moisturize my skin, put on some comfortable cotton pajamas and drink a full glass of water. Then it is time for bed, I sleep much better after this ritual.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Major Arcana: The Fool

This card is number 0.

The Fool traditionally represents:
blind faith
a fresh start
new relationsip
new job
new home
new project
new chapters in our life

The other cards in the reading will lead me to know what this means. Different readers have different ideas and practices. Since I do intuitive readings with tarot as my divination tool, I may differ from others in my definition of card meanings. I don't go by the book , even though I did study the book.

Sometimes it is a warning to look before you leap, and to prepare properly. Other times it can be about an exciting new chapter in love, career, or personal matters. Or it can be encouragment to have blind faith and trust that you have all you need for your journey.
Almost always The Fool represents the Querent and not people in their lives.